Happy holidays, The APIS family,
It’s been one year since the launch of The APIS. For those of you who don’t know, The APIS is a community-owned indexing protocol for reading and writing to open networks. We make APIs open and accessible to all, to power a decentralized world.
We’ve recently made a team shift, as we discovered a significant go-to-market opportunity within the NFT data space, with our first client one of the biggest NFT projects in the crypto industry (X World Games), and a plethora of gaming projects in the pipeline as a result. Our new team members bring with them many years of experience in engineering and marketing in the crypto field. We’ll be releasing a new roadmap shortly–there’s a sneak peek in the “next step”. More exciting functions await uncovering by you. Stay tuned!.
Community building
A few days ago, we launched our new discord server (join the community 👉:https://dsc.gg/theapis), in which users can gather together to make our community grow steadily and organically. In our Discord, the community can share ideas, enter events and get informed of the latest update of The APIS.
The voices and opinions from The APIS family members are the main driving force of our project. Since we value the community so much, we’re looking for vibrant and enthusiastic community managers to interact with our online communities and bring the positive vibe. With applying for this role, you will help drive the growth of our online communities, primarily on Discord, by assisting, educating, and enticing them about The APIS to bring Web3 to the world.
API New Token Smart Contract
We have deployed a new token address, total supply at 1bn API tokens, early investors will get the equal times number of the token, which has already been verified by theetherscan compiler.
Sneak Peak
We have been preparing many surprises for you in the past few months. You will discover and enjoy the brand new functions of The APIS in the very near future (under 45 days). The upcoming NFT dashboard of The APIS enables you to track your favorite and blue-chips projects, with our customized dashboards powering some of your favorite NFT decentralized applications. You won’t miss any NFT drops when you make use of your own custom NFT calendar in The APIS.
Next steps:
A brand new tech team has taken over the project, a group of Ethereum and Bitcoin-loving nerds, self-claimed and in the most positive sense of the word, of course. Some of the feature they are most excited about are:
- The API Portal: A dashboard to check your NFT assets
- The API Wave: A table where you can see short time sales, volumes changes in real time.
- The API Alert: Using API to provide third party interaction about:New mint,big sales,big buy,price pumping up.
Achievement in December:
Dec 27 : Releasing of homepage
To be announced : Portal,Wave,Alert
API Token:
To be announced : The New API Token
New Smart Contract: 0xfd4168e642ebd04c3684a6cdb3a5e86de85d3908
Dec 27: Announcing our new community server
As Blockchain gaming gains traction, The APIS serves as your one-stop-shop for deploying your next record-breaking decentralized gaming experience.The APIS provides all the tools that you need to create the future of gaming, other than the game itself. If you want to build the future of gaming, we hope to work with you as soon as possible, as together we can disrupt incumbent development platforms that have time and time again attempted to make it implausible to be an independent game creator.
Thank you for your support.
Official Website 👉:https://www.theapis.xyz
Follow us 👉 :https://twitter.com/TheAPIS_xyz
Join the community 👉:https://dsc.gg/theapis
The APIS is an indexing protocol for reading and writing to open networks. Making APIs open and accessible to power a decentralized world.